Cieľ kurzu: Kurz je určený IT profesionálom, vytvárajúcim riešenia business intelligence v SQL Serveri 2008 pre ich organizácie, ktorí bežne pracujú s celou paletou BI technológií SQL Servera 2008, najmä s Analysis Services, Reporting Services a Integration Services. Cieľom je pripraviť ich tak, aby mohli sebavedome podstúpiť certifikačnú skúšku 70-448. Kurz je vedený plne certifikovaným lektorom na SQL Server 2008.
Vstupné požiadavky: dva až tri roky skúseností s používaním BI komponentov SQL Servera 2008 alebo 2005
Trvanie: 5 dní
Obsahová náplň:
Implementing an SSIS Solution
- Implementing control flow
- Implementing data flow
- Implementing dynamic package behaviour by using property expressions
- Implementing package logic by using variables
- Implementing package configurations
- Implementing auditing, logging, and event handling
- Extending SSIS packages by using .NET code
Configuring, Deploying, and Maintaining SSIS
- Installing and maintaining SSIS components
- Deploying an SSIS solution
- Managing SSIS package execution
- Configuring SSIS security settings
- Identifying and resolving issues related to SSIS solution deployment
Implementing an SSAS Solution
- Implementing dimensions in a cube
- Implementing measures in a cube
- Implementing a data source view
- Configuring dimension usage in a cube
- Implementing custom logic in a cube by using MDX
- Implementing data mining
- Implementing storage design in a cube
Configuring, Deploying, and Maintaining SSAS
- Configuring permissions and roles in SSAS
- Deploying SSAS databases and objects
- Installing and maintaining an SSAS instance
- Diagnosing and resolving performance issues
- Implementing processing options
Implementing an SSRS Solution
- Implementing report data sources and datasets
- Implementing a report layout
- Extending an SSRS solution by using code
- Creating an SSRS report by using an SSAS data source
- Implementing report parameters
- Implementing interactivity in a report
- Implementing report items
- Embedding SSRS reports in custom applications.
Configuring, Deploying, and Maintaining SSRS
- Configuring report execution and delivery
- Installing and configure SSRS instances
- Configuring authentication and authorization for a reporting solution
- Deploying an SSRS solution
- Configuring SSRS availability